Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Doctor Who

English men are more charming when they drop in unannounced into a gal’s home from one of these (my bf isn’t cool enough without the latter).

As much as I love Steven Moffat, trigger of my impish hostility towards cemetery statues, shadows, and creepy library books (mind the children), Neil Gaiman’s season needs to get underway like the "Voyage of the Damned"! Not that Matt Smith is half bad, though he’s just not half as interesting as monologue wonder boy, David Tennant.

One day, I’ll fathom why this show is so awesome despite its episodic adherence to the same story arch. Here’s my reductive outline of the series:

1. Episode after episode of English folk toeing the line before something/someone absolutely ordinary (relative to their time setting) is pod-snatched by aliens and chaos ensues. Or Daleks/Cybermen hover over in hoards and chaos ensues. You get introduced to many flighty, feckless protagonists to be saved by the Doctor and your imagination-lackluster kids have more perfectly mundane or insane things to be paranoid about.

2. The Doctor (our “Gentleman and a Scholar”) and his lady (most likely) sidekick skid in from their prior time leap with the TARDIS. His assistants act as his inquisitive “Watsons” through which he explains the whosit and whatsit to the audience. He resembles not so much a Doctor and more so an alien bounty hunter and in some instances an ambulance chaser of heroic credo since the aliens often seem to anticipate him. His school teacher crush in Human Nature precociously inquired whether anyone would have died if he simply had not arrived.

3. Distracted while the Doctor is busy wiping the galactic floor with aliens or some other stock adversaries like the “Dark Messiah” Master, the “Elderly” Time Lords, or (any housewife will break it down for you) the kitchen-appliance assembled Daleks, you don’t ostensibly notice how this time travel series is devoid of history. Yet admittedly, H. G. Wells was more liberal with his futuristic settings and rinky-dink space gadgetry as well as per popular reception.

4. Because this is still a children’s program, the Doctor doesn’t leave a bed-scattered pile of groupies like James Bond and seems oblivious to his lovelorn female TARDIS-fluffers. The result, broken secondary plotlines of romantic intrigues aside from his rumored wifey. River couldn’t be more femme fatale even without her red hyper-pumps that would make Eddie Izzard proud. As intriguing as it may be that she is keen on the Doctor's many faces, she does get a tad Edgar Allan Poe repetitive with her crow-sinister refrain, “Spoilers”.

5. Christmas Specials.

6. The Doctor wields his sonic screwdriver in the manner of James Bond. And it works like a universal remote control. But just like a remote control, it only works on electronic devices… and alien lifeforms.

7. Television programs work well when the main characters best multitudinous situations and obstacles but essentially the character is sustained as originally introduced (some development/improvements permitted). For the Doctor, many different men played this specific Time Lord over its long history. As much as you can write their personalities into the Doctor archetype, he’s never quite the same because these are totally different actors! Yes, we see past the dandy accessories. Even with the converse sneakers…or bowties!

8. There are tense “take my hand” or “trust me” junctures aplenty between the Doctor and his assistants (and on occasion, tertiary characters), and surely the lass of limited options will take his word if it means survival. Though, just as often as not, the Doctor will be wrong and the assistant will find him/herself MacGyvering their way out of a critical conundrum. *Cough* mulligan.

9. The Doctor occasionally very nearly talks very vicious monsters/adversaries to death.

10. The show usually ends with a Joss Whedon style Doctor vs. alien confrontation after a timely (hah) game of tag (mind the flying objects or conspicuous CG laser beams). And, more often than not there are fatalities. Dum dum duuuum!

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